In-line with the Modern Slavery Act 2015
Opening statement from senior management
Belgrave Construction is dedicated to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking from taking place within its business and supply chain and we place the same expectation on our suppliers.
The nature of our business requires that we work in conjunction with a range of suppliers, sub- contractors, agencies, and professionals. Belgrave construction operates in the highly regulated construction sector within the UK. All work is carried out in accordance with UK Government tax regulations and the UK’s health and safety regime. The directors believe that this significantly reduces the risk of contravention of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. There are several circumstances that reduce the risk of slavery and human trafficking within our supply chains. These include:
- Our work is not seasonal and does not rely on large numbers of unskilled labour at specific times of the year.
- Our work is generally skilled and requires competent, capable skilled operatives who carry validated trade or professional qualifications.
- As a local operator our sub-contractor supply chains are generally relatively short and use established and regular contractors, who also work exclusively within the regulated UK economy.
- Work on our sites is always monitored by our own staff members allowing a high degree of control and visibility of our own work.
- Most of our material supplies that are used on our sites are generally sourced through UK distributors or UK companies within our supply chain, allowing strong commercial controls to be applied to encourage compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Material sourced from outside the EU is rare and the isolated nature of this procurement allows bespoke controls in each instance.
The following policies exist within our organisation which demonstrate our opposition to modern slavery:
- Equal Opportunities and Dignity at Work
- Managing Diversity
- Foreign Nationals Policy
We ensure our suppliers are aware of our policies and encourage them to adopt the same high standards.
Belgrave Construction
We will work to promote awareness amongst its employees of modern slavery and human trafficking within the UK construction industry. The company will ensure that their employee’s pay and conditions remain at a high standard, above those dictated by the Act. Any potential contravention will be dealt with seriously and investigated appropriately by the directors, as will any recommendations for improvement within the business. Any whistleblowing or complaint by an employee will be supported and investigated through our formal grievance procedure.
The directors believe that the risk of failing to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 is low, because of the following measures:
- All employees are on full written conditions of employment that are standardised and checked for compliance with the Act.
- All employees are paid at or above the “Living Wage”.
- No casual labour is employed.
- Appropriate training of relevant staff is carried out.
Belgrave Construction will work to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking within our sub-contractor supply chains through reducing the risks and working to influence behaviours within our directly contracted sub- contractor organisations. Any failure to address these issues that results in a contravention of the Act, a possible contravention, or a perceived contravention of the Act that could impact the reputation of Belgrave Construction may be investigated and result in a variety of actions, up to and including removal from our supply chain.
Belgrave Construction will work to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking within our material supply chains by reducing the risks and working to influence behaviours within our directly contracted supplier organisations. Any failure to address these issues that results in a contravention of the Act, a possible contravention, or a perceived contravention of the Act that could impact the reputation of Belgrave Construction may be investigated and result in a variety of actions, up to and including removal from our supply chain. When seeking a new supplier, we ask for copies of our suppliers’ statements on slavery and human trafficking, which will be taken as evidence that the organisation is starting to address this important issue and that in the current year we can assume compliance with the Act.
As part of our efforts to monitor, manage and reduce the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring within our business or supply chains, we adopt the following due diligence procedures:
Our processes aim to:
- Identify, monitor, and manage areas of potential risk in our business and supply chains.
- Scrutinise any identified areas of risk within our business and supply chains.
- Adopt a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking throughout the organisation and our supply chains.
We carry out risk assessments of key risks to contravention of the Act within our own businesses, our sub-contractor and material supply chain. This will identify the areas of concern and the mitigating acts that we will carry out this year and next to manage this risk as effectively as possible.
These risk assessments will be put together in conjunction with the senior employees as part of the training within our companies and will include those individuals who are responsible for procurement, management, and control of our supply chains.
Within the risk assessments we will review the most appropriate form of whistleblowing to ensure that this is condoned and could be a useful way of ensuring compliance.
Training on the Act, its requirements, and the support available, will be provided at employee’s request or if the Directors deem it necessary.